Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Linda- Pink Blossoms, Pond with Reflections

For this picture I used f/22, ISO 200, 50 mm on a Nikon D90. The location is in back of the Lacey Community Center on Pacific Avenue.
The histogram is not terribly balanced with a high spike in the bright tones and lacking in the brightest tones. The ISO was at 200 which seemed right with the available light (lightly cloudy).
I liked the reflection on the pond which did not show up at the lower apertures. The photo looked nicer with the background trees in slight "out of focus" since the other side of the pond had a few distractions in view. However, if Mount Rainier had been in better view (over the trees) I would have put everything in focus and photoshopped out the unwanted buildings, etc.
I wish I'd had more time to experiment with different settings and had set my WB (I forgot.... it was on auto).

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