Tuesday, April 27, 2010

AnnMarie - Westport Sea Lion

I branched out away from the birds with this curious sea lion... The histogram reading was a bit heavy to the left (dark) however the subject was dark. I was able to pull out some light with the settings used (1/400, F/4.0, ISO 400 at 75mm focal length) and happy that I was able to snap the shot just as he popped up briefly for a look and capture the water droplets in mid-air.


  1. I Like how the water is frozen, implying movement! It's tricky shooting wildlife and takes LOTS of PATIENCE and being ready at any moment.

  2. Annmarie, I think you did a great job on this picture. the water droplets are clear and show movement, while the seal looks clear and frozen in the frame.

  3. I like the droplets too, and the pattern in the surrounding water contrasts nicely with the smooth part to the left top. The composition also adds for me, with the sea lion angling in with his nose toward the top. Very nice.
